Tuesday, September 25, 2012



we ended up find out a day early. Jonathan unexpectedly had monday off work so I was able to get out appointment switched and didn't tell the family or anyone. So it was a big surprise when we sent this picture to everyone. 

she's healthy and growing, and we couldn't be more excited. 

the ultrasound was a little more exciting this time because there was a lot more bone structure and everything...

I call this her Halloween picture, she's dressed up as a skeleton. :]

I cannot wait to start buying/making thing for her. she's going to be one spoiled little girl!!

Jaelyn Arlene <3 

Sunday, September 23, 2012

18 weeks!

I've been seriously slacking on updates.

We [hopefully] find out if the baby is a boy or girl on Tuesday! I can't wait to stop calling it an it. And to start buying clothes and do the registry and everything. 

We're moving next weekend, so that'll be fun and exciting and we'll have a room for the nursery. Better start pinning decorations to make for it! 

My biggest craving so far has been soup. I usually hate soup when it's this hot out still, but not this year. Haha
and mcdonalds breakfast. meh.

I'm about to hit the 150lb mark, yikes! 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Week 14!!!!

Week 14! Hello second trimester! Finally took belly pictures, even though the belly is pretty little still. We have another doctor's appointment next week. I've been battling many migraines, so I'm going to ask the doctor what I can do for that. No fun. We find out the sex in about four/five weeks...depending on when they make our next ultrasound appointment.

I'm having issues with sleeping on my side, I keep wanting to lay on my back and then I remember it's not good for the baby and I go back to being uncomfortable on my side. Meh! 

Weight: about 140
Waist: 35in
Mood: hot, tired. 
Energy: it's on and off, some days i feel like i have a lot of energy and some days i wanna sleep all day.
Appetite: tons of randomness
Morning sickness: still getting sick whenever i take pills. 

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Week 12!

Haven't updated in a few weeks, not a whole lot has been happening. Finally started gaining weight, only about 2 lbs but gotta start somewhere! Still working on the belly pics, so none of those this week. I'm not showing yet anyways, just looking like a little fatty. I can't believe I'm already over 1/4 of the way done!

Bought our first piece of baby clothes the other day...

We figured that if it's a little girl then I can make a tutu to match it and it'll be all super cute. I couldn't resist! 

Hopefully I'll have more exciting updates in the weeks to come. 6 weeks until we find out the sex!!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Found them!

After looking at another grocery store I found my beloved frozen mashed potatoes. Day made!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Week 9!

Went and had the first ultrasound this week! It was super exciting and baby J was moving all over. After measurements I was officially 9 weeks on monday. Baby J's heart rate was at 185, which apparently is healthy. 

Went and bought a robe this week, to save me from my many cold flashes. It's probably the softest robe ever and I look forward to cold flashes now so I can snuggle in it. Also bought another pair of yoga pants. I cannot wait for it to be cold so I can actually go outside in my winter clothes.

Maternity leggings. Pretty sure I'm going to need a pair of these in every color possible. Some maternity tights wouldn't be a bad investment either.

I've been craving lemon flavored things, and potatoes like crazy. All I wanted yesterday were these damn frozen mashed potato dishes that my mom used to get when we were younger and I cannot find them. Devastated! After my last post I was pretty much throwing up nightly right before bed, then I learned that it was my prenatals that were making me sick. So I went and purchased some gummy ones that are quite tasty. 

We have an idea on how we're going to take weekly belly pictures, but we have to purchase the supplies first, so those will come in a few weeks hopefully. 

I haven't gained any weight yet, my waist is at 135. I feel like a fatty, and I have to remind myself that it's just cause there's a little baby in there that's making my uterus swell to large sizes. 

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

First entry!

This is my first entry in my journal. I'm about nine weeks along, estimated. Haven't had my first ultrasound yet, did some research yesterday and found a pregnancy center that offers free ultrasounds while I wait for ahcccs stuff to go through. So we'll go there sometime within the near future.

Symptoms haven't been TOO terribly bad yet, I feel sick mostly in the evening and mornings, but haven't been throwing up at all. Had a lot of crazy cold flashes, which i would much rather have than hot flashes. Last night I was fully convinced that I was going to freeze to death in my sleep, but thankfully I did not. Just snuggled under the blankets more. 

Haven't had to buy any new clothes yet, I would like some new shirts but those cost money. The waistband of my jeans is rubberbanded, lol. Haven't gained any weight yet either. The best part of being pregnant is being able to eat whatever I want, oh I want some candy? K. or some ice cream? okay! Whatever the baby wants, the baby gets. Lol lots of pickles and sweets. 

I miss coffee. 

Weight: 135
Waist: idk, i need to get one of those flexible measuring tape thingies.
Mood: tired, hungry, sick, impatient
Energy: none! lol
Appetite: ice cream, pickles, candy!
Cravings: sushi & coffee
Morning sickness: in the evenings and early mornings