Wednesday, July 18, 2012

First entry!

This is my first entry in my journal. I'm about nine weeks along, estimated. Haven't had my first ultrasound yet, did some research yesterday and found a pregnancy center that offers free ultrasounds while I wait for ahcccs stuff to go through. So we'll go there sometime within the near future.

Symptoms haven't been TOO terribly bad yet, I feel sick mostly in the evening and mornings, but haven't been throwing up at all. Had a lot of crazy cold flashes, which i would much rather have than hot flashes. Last night I was fully convinced that I was going to freeze to death in my sleep, but thankfully I did not. Just snuggled under the blankets more. 

Haven't had to buy any new clothes yet, I would like some new shirts but those cost money. The waistband of my jeans is rubberbanded, lol. Haven't gained any weight yet either. The best part of being pregnant is being able to eat whatever I want, oh I want some candy? K. or some ice cream? okay! Whatever the baby wants, the baby gets. Lol lots of pickles and sweets. 

I miss coffee. 

Weight: 135
Waist: idk, i need to get one of those flexible measuring tape thingies.
Mood: tired, hungry, sick, impatient
Energy: none! lol
Appetite: ice cream, pickles, candy!
Cravings: sushi & coffee
Morning sickness: in the evenings and early mornings

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