Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Week 14!!!!

Week 14! Hello second trimester! Finally took belly pictures, even though the belly is pretty little still. We have another doctor's appointment next week. I've been battling many migraines, so I'm going to ask the doctor what I can do for that. No fun. We find out the sex in about four/five weeks...depending on when they make our next ultrasound appointment.

I'm having issues with sleeping on my side, I keep wanting to lay on my back and then I remember it's not good for the baby and I go back to being uncomfortable on my side. Meh! 

Weight: about 140
Waist: 35in
Mood: hot, tired. 
Energy: it's on and off, some days i feel like i have a lot of energy and some days i wanna sleep all day.
Appetite: tons of randomness
Morning sickness: still getting sick whenever i take pills. 

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