Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Week 9!

Went and had the first ultrasound this week! It was super exciting and baby J was moving all over. After measurements I was officially 9 weeks on monday. Baby J's heart rate was at 185, which apparently is healthy. 

Went and bought a robe this week, to save me from my many cold flashes. It's probably the softest robe ever and I look forward to cold flashes now so I can snuggle in it. Also bought another pair of yoga pants. I cannot wait for it to be cold so I can actually go outside in my winter clothes.

Maternity leggings. Pretty sure I'm going to need a pair of these in every color possible. Some maternity tights wouldn't be a bad investment either.

I've been craving lemon flavored things, and potatoes like crazy. All I wanted yesterday were these damn frozen mashed potato dishes that my mom used to get when we were younger and I cannot find them. Devastated! After my last post I was pretty much throwing up nightly right before bed, then I learned that it was my prenatals that were making me sick. So I went and purchased some gummy ones that are quite tasty. 

We have an idea on how we're going to take weekly belly pictures, but we have to purchase the supplies first, so those will come in a few weeks hopefully. 

I haven't gained any weight yet, my waist is at 135. I feel like a fatty, and I have to remind myself that it's just cause there's a little baby in there that's making my uterus swell to large sizes. 

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